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What is Peruvian Cockfighting


Peruvian Cockfighting Lineage

The Peruvian Cockfighting bloodline is one of the most popular Cockfighting bloodlines in the Philippines, as well as one of the most expensive breeds. In this extremely long article, we have the opportunity to translate and proofread the complete history of the great Peruvian quail. It’s an interesting but long story, so please read it. A link to the original Spanish version is provided at the end of this article.

The Peruvian rooster went through many stages of improvement until it reached the standards we have today, and the architects of this tale of brilliance and courage would be too numerous to list.


How Peruvian Cockfighting Develops

Peruvian Cockfighting was developed by Peruvian Don Humberto Gregorio Pedraglio Oddone, who was born in Lima on November 17, 1899. They are Italian immigrants. Peruvian chicken has evolved over the years from its perfect development in the late 1930s to the early 1970s.

Since cockfighting is no longer legal in the US and other parts of North America, the Peruvian pheasant is not popular in the US as there are other popular lineages such as sweater, thick head, lemon etc but are very popular in Asia such as the Philippines.

The Peruvian Fighting Cock is a fairly ancient wild bird

The Peruvian wildfowl is a fairly old wildfowl, dating back to the 1900s, but not perfected until the early 1970s. They were developed by combining various oriental wildfowl with Old English game and Spanish wildfowl. The oriental varieties mentioned are mainly Shamos, Malay and Asil.

Most Peruvians are reddish-brown, but all wildfowl are also present in others. They may be singly or pea combed like most wildfowl, but most of the time they appear in straight-combed varieties. These birds can weigh between 4 and 9 kilograms, with 8 to 10 kilograms being the most common, although their size does not affect them at all in terms of flight or speed. They may also have a bare neck, or no buttocks.

In Peru, the birds are ubiquitous and appear in long knife fights almost every week, because in Peru, cockfighting is a lot like baseball or soccer in the United States. Pheasants are usually raised in teams of five to six breeders and kept in small pens of about 3X3. Gameplay was the main consideration when breeding Peruvians, with speed, power, cutting and aggression a close second, with the main disadvantage being stamina. Bucks must be separated early as they will be playing around 4 to 5 months.

Peruvian cocks can sometimes be fighters, especially if left untreated, that’s why many Peruvian breeders also separate cocks and hens and only keep them in the same pen for breeding before bringing them back . The aggressive fighting style of the Peruvians makes them a favorite crossbreed with other American wildfowl breeds.

In Peru, you rarely see any type of inbreeding happening as often seen in the US, which they think weakens the birds and can only be kept strong by interbreeding. Peruvian wildfowl has only recently been imported into the United States and is in the hands of only a few breeders.casino

Peruvian wildfowl is also known as show fowl in Peru, although game is still one of the main concerns.

Peruvian Cockfighting Prices in Philippines

While some were shipped from the US, most of these lineages have crossed over. Cockfighting is illegal in the US, one can wonder why Americans would have a purebred Peruvian fighting cock? Yes, similar to the Philippines, there are some remote places where cockfights are held, but this is extremely unlikely and extremely rare. Only people who risk their lives do this.

Gamefowl lovers will find ways to get purebred animals from South America, though, but the current pandemic restrictions are hard to ignore.

Peruvian breeders in the Philippines (if you can find a good breed) cost around P175,000 to P250,000 for one male and 2 females around 5 months old (ready to lay eggs). That’s pretty expensive for regular Sabungeros, but nothing for the deep-pocketed.

Sometimes the popularity of Peruvian wildfowl is also the result of gullibility. Despite its popularity, American ancestry is still the leader in the field, so why spend a lot of money on something dubious?

Peruvian wildfowl fever is here to stay, but it cannot change the fact that its popularity is not yet supported by solid records similar to American breeds.888 sabong

Where to Buy Peruvian Fighting Cock

This question is always difficult to answer unless you are a die-hard Sabungero with a lot of connections. I advise you not to search online as you are likely to be scammed. The only thing to do is ask your fellow Sabungeros, especially those with Gamefarms and other large breeders.sabongs

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