888 sabong /** * The header for our theme. * * Displays all of the section and everything up till
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Introduction to 888 online sabong in the Philippines

888 online sabong Geographical distribution Philippines

Reproduction oviparous.

Habits online sabong enthusiasts also have a choice on the plumage color of sabong. Generally, roosters are colored with blue, red, purple and soap plumage.

The blue-colored online sabong cock has jet-black feathers with a slight cyan luster; the red-feathered online sabong cock has reddish-brown neck and back feathers, and the tail feathers are black or white sandy;

the purple-feathered online sabong cock has black-red or purple-red neck and back feathers; the soap feather online sabong The plumage is dark brown and dull.

In addition, there are white feather sabong, reed online sabong , persimmon yellow online sabong and so on.

A small and firm head is an important feature of the online sabong breed; those with filial ears, small and slender crests are the top grades, those with drooping and extremely straight mouths are thick

straight and strong and sharp, and those with sharp mouth shells are excellent individuals.

The color of the mouth shell is yellow and white. The nostrils need to be large and long.


888 online sabongeyeball

The colors are generally white, yellow and red, but white is the top grade. The online sabongleg claw is a weapon for fighting. The legs are strong and slightly curved.

The curvature is large and the jumping ability is strong. The muscles at the base of the legs are firm and powerful, suitable for fighting.

The distance between the legs should be wide, the claws should be thin and sharp, and it is suitable for winning.

The bone structure of the whole body is tight, and the length and thickness of each part of the bone must be symmetrical, which is the most favorable basis for online sabongto defeat the opponent.

888 online sabong body shape

The physical characteristics of online sabong are obviously different from those of domestic chickens. Its chest is wide and wide

and the plumage is compact, which is close to the body surface, and the body is firm; the head is filial, the body is tall, and the legs are thin and powerful.

The weight is usually divided into 3 grades, the large online sabong rooster weighs 4 kg and the hen 3.5 kg; the medium online sabong rooster weighs 3.5 kg and the hen 3.25 g; the small online sabong rooster weighs 3 kg Up and down, hens 2.5 to 3 kg.

In addition, male 888 online sabong can weigh up to 5 kg or more, but it is generally believed that their movements are slow and cumbersome when they are too large to fight.

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