888 sabong /** * The header for our theme. * * Displays all of the section and everything up till
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It is difficult to ride a tiger – the game of Online Sabong

It is difficult to ride a tiger - the game of cockfighting

One day, two belligerent roosters had an encounter in a Online Sabong arena. 

At this time, the rooster has two choices of action: one is to retreat; the other is to attack.

It is difficult to ride a tiger - the game of cockfighting

If one side retreats and the other side does not retreat, the other side wins, and the rooster loses face; if the other side also retreats, the two sides are tied; Failure; if both roosters advance, then both lose.

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Therefore, for each rooster, the best outcome is: the other side retreats, and he does not retreat, but at this time is faced with a lose-lose result.

Let’s assume that both roosters choose to “forward”, and the result is a loser. The gain for both is -2 units, that is, the loss is 2 units; if one “forward” and the other “backward”

the forward cock gains 1 Units of gain, gain face, and the retreating rooster gains -l gain or loses 1 unit and loses face, but not as much as both “forward”; both “backward”, then Both lose face gain -1 gain or 1 unit loss. Of course these numbers are only relative values.